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JewelryHunt AI Creation Service Terms

Service Overview

These terms of service (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") apply to the AI drawing tool (hereinafter referred to as "this Tool") provided by JewelryHunt. Before using this Tool, 
please read and fully understand these Terms. Once you start using this Tool, it means that you have accepted and agreed to comply with the provisions of these Terms.

User Account
To use this Tool, you need to register as a designer account. You must provide true, accurate, and up-to-date personal information and update

 it in a timely manner when the information changes. You are responsible for protecting your account information to prevent unauthorized access and use.

Intellectual Property and License
3.1 You guarantee that you will not use copyrighted materials for improper creation when using this Tool. You agree to bear all legal responsibilities for violating this provision.
3.2 The intellectual property rights of all content created through this Tool belong to you. JewelryHunt will not claim any intellectual property rights for the content you create.
3.3 During the use of this Tool, you may use materials, templates, and other resources provided by us. The intellectual property rights of these resources belong to JewelryHunt,
 and we hereby grant you the right to use these resources legally when using this Tool. You may not use these resources for purposes other than this Tool.

Privacy Policy
We attach great importance to user privacy. During your use of this Tool, we will collect and use your personal information. We will take reasonable measures to 
protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or other infringements. For detailed privacy policy, please refer to our privacy policy page.
Usage Restrictions
5.1 You may not use this Tool for illegal, infringing, or violating purposes, or for purposes that violate these Terms. You may not crack, tamper with, or otherwise interfere with the normal operation of this Tool.
5.2 You may not use this Tool to create content that involves politics, religion, pornography, violence, discrimination, or other illegal, infringing, or socially offensive content.
5.3 In case of violation of the usage restrictions in these Terms, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account and pursue your legal responsibility.

Although we strive to provide users with high-quality services, we cannot guarantee that this Tool will always meet your needs or be error-free and uninterrupted. 
Within the scope allowed by applicable laws, we do not make any express or implied warranties regarding the suitability, accuracy, reliability, timeliness, and performance of this Tool.

You agree to indemnify and hold JewelryHunt and its affiliates, directors, senior officers, employees, agents, and licensors harmless from any third-party claims, damages, losses, liabilities, 
costs, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from your breach of these Terms, infringement of others' intellectual property or other rights, or violation of applicable laws and regulations.

JewelryHunt reserves the right to suspend, restrict, or terminate the provision of this Tool service to you at any time, whether or not you have violated these Terms. After termination, you should stop using this Tool.

Modification and Changes
We reserve the right to modify or update these Terms at any time. We will post the updated terms on this Tool or our website. Your continued use of this Tool after the update of these Terms means that you accept 
and agree to comply with the updated terms. If you do not agree to the updated terms, please stop using this Tool.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The interpretation and application of these Terms and disputes related to these Terms shall be governed by the laws of the country/region where JewelryHunt is located.
In case of disputes arising from or related to these Terms that cannot be resolved through friendly negotiation, all parties agree to submit the dispute to the competent
 court in the country/region where JewelryHunt is located for litigation and resolution.

11.1 If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalid or unenforceable part of the provision shall be deemed deleted, and the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid.
11.2 These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and JewelryHunt regarding this Tool and supersede any prior agreements between you and JewelryHunt regarding this Tool.
If you have any questions about these service terms, please feel free to contact us.






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